Bodybuilder Calum Von Moger in hospital pictures

Publish date: 2024-07-16

Calum Von Moger has been making headlines this week due to a post circulated by renowned YouTuber Nick Trigilli, who claimed that the bodybuilder was involved in an accident.

He is mainly known for his role in the 2018 film Bigger as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
From reports, he is receiving emergency treatment in the Intensive Care Unit. People have begun looking for Calum Von Moger’s personal information.

Apparently, the Australian had been involved in a horrific accident and was rushed to the hospital, where he is currently in intensive care.  He has been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury, which has rendered him unable to walk or move.

The bodybuilder was sedated and is now being treated for his injury. No one has seen the additional report on his health and injury, however.

He is thought to have fallen from the second floor of his apartment while drunk. He jumped from his window.
